Holistic Treatments
Indian Head Massage - a form of massage used to help relax, soothe and balance the mind and body. It involves a series of massage techniques over the upper back, shoulders, scalp and face. Coconut oil is used to complement the treatment.
Allow ¾ hr £38.50
Hopi Ear Candles – The candle’s smoke draws out excess fluid from the sinuses, and wax and toxic debris from inside the ears, relieving pressure. It clears congestion which can reduce the effectiveness of all the senses. The natural infection-fighting properties of the beeswax and herbal essences infuse into the ear, sinuses and lymphatic drainage system, helping to improve hearing, balance, vision, taste and smell. It also helps to detoxify the sinuses and so can help prevent earaches, chronic headaches and even allergies such as hay fever.
Allow 1 hr for first treatment, ¾ hr thereafter
Individual treatments ..... £35.50
Course of three ............... £94.50