Additional Treatments
Ear Piercing - hygienic, using pre-sterilised studs. There is an attractive range of gold-plated, solid white and yellow gold and titanium studs. The price includes piercing, studs, antiseptic after-care lotion and home-care instructions.
Allow ½ hr from £39.50
No children under 8 years old. Children under 16 must be accompanied by a parent/guardian.
ADVANCED ELECTROLYSIS - The Heather Mitchell Beauty Clinic offers this exclusive and highly specialised treatment for the removal of :
Red Veins – also known as thread veins, broken veins or broken capillaries. Red veins usually appear around the nostrils, on the cheeks and legs and in time they become coarser and more widespread.
Spider Naevus – bright red spots that usually occur on any part of the face, neck or chest.
Skin tags – Fibrous tags of skin, generally on the neck or near to the underarm.
Whiteheads or milia – white pearlised beads that form under the skin, generally around the eyes.
Consultation ½ hr .............£12.50 ¼ hr …..........................................£49.50
½ hr ….....................................£79.50 Minimum Charge …............. £35.50
Each individual case has to be assessed and for this reason a consultation prior to initial treatment is essential, for which there is a £12.50 charge.
For subsequent treatments a consultation and patch test is also required if you haven't had an advanced electrolysis treatment at the Heather Mitchell Beauty Clinic within the previous 9 months.