Eyebrows and Lashes

Eyebrow shaping – a professional contouring treatment, using tweezers, to enhance the browline.

Eyebrow Tidy. Allow ¼ hr ........ £13.50

Eyebrow Shape.   Allow ¼ hr ..... £16.50

Eyelash/brow tinting - vegetable dyes are used to deepen the natural colour of your lashes or brows. Effects last 4 - 8 weeks.

A patch test is required 24 hours prior to treatment if you haven't had an eyelash/eyebrow tint at the Heather Mitchell Beauty Clinic within the previous 9 months.

Eyebrow tinting.   Allow ¼ hr ....... £13.50

Eyelash tinting.    Allow ½ hr ......... £19.50

LVL Eyelash Lift  and Tint - A semi-permanent method of lifting eyelashes to enhance the eyes - an extremely flattering treatment. Eyelash lifting and tinting complement each other and so we also offer a combined treatment.

A patch test is required up to 2 weeks before but no later than 48 hours prior to treatment.

Eyelash lift and tint.    Allow 1 ½ hrs ..... £52.50